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Grieco Caffè

Investing – What You Need to Know

Investments can be a great opportunity to grow your money and reach long-term financial goals. It’s also something that can be done in conjunction with the assistance of expert advisers, who help you to keep in mind the need for primary protection and potential for growth against your current financial situation and your comfort with risk.

Investment funds pool your savings with those of other investors. The fund manager then buys, holds and sells investments on your behalf. Most funds are made up of a variety of assets, which helps to reduce risk associated with investing. Certain funds are more specific like ones that focus on commodities or property. There are also multi-asset funds that may hold a mixture of different asset types, including shares and bonds.

Certain funds are focused on certain regions or sectors such as emerging markets or green investment. There are also funds that have a range of specific investment objectives for example, such as targeting certain levels of growth or reducing risks that are not systemic. Others have a common investment goal for example, low cost investing.

Your investment timeframe as well as your attitude to risk will determine the type of unit trusts, OEICs, and investment trusts that you choose. Younger investors may be more willing to take on a greater level of risk and consequently, choose funds that contain a higher proportion of stocks. Alternatively, those who are close to retirement or have obligations to their families might prefer the risk at a lower level and select a fund that has more bonds.

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